Friday, December 4, 2009

and now there's more snow!!!


  1. Wow, that's a lot! We've had flurries all day, but it's just now starting to snow heavier and stick. Fun!

  2. I think we got it early. Maybe it will come that way. The kids are having a blast!

  3. We had a blast with the snow. It is just now melting, sad. Love it, but hate it too. Very messy when the kids come inside.

  4. ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN! Great to hear that you are all doing well!
    Hugs from Oregon,
    The Potter's

  5. We got your HUGE package today! THANK YOU... very generous of you. The kids LOVE the books! Hope you all had a great Christmas. We hope to make it down in July...
    Love ya-
    The Potter's

  6. Glad that you got the books. I know it is alot and I actually have had this box since the spring time when you were teaching art. Hopefully you an d the kids will be able to get some enjoyment out of them.

    Our email is if it's easier to get to us.

    Hope you had a great Christmas. Talk to you soon.
