Friday, January 9, 2009

Connie takes a ride

OK. Several weeks ago, I saw a video of Lilly being dragged down the hall by her dog. And as Laura told the story, she went to check on them because of all the laughing the kids were doing. Well, a few nights ago Jeff and I were doing something and heard Connie just laughing hysterically. The first thing I did was chuckle remembering Laura's blog post. Then we go into the kitchen to find Connie riding the dog!


  1. This is too cute...our poor dogs! Good thing they love our kiddo's! Go Connie. Ride 'em cowgirl!

  2. That was what I was going to say...poor dogs, I know when we had Pancho, before we gave him to Doug and Bev, Wyatt would try to ride him. He was not nearly as big as Dozer.
